The time has come for The time has come
#leanbodysystem #loseinches #loseweight #muscle #trimmedback #leanbodysystem🔥 #moderelax #musclemotivation #losefatnotmuscle #healthylifestyletips #trimmedup #moderetrim #loseweighttips #mōdere #CLA #musclefitness #trimmedwaist #musclememory #loseweightfromhome #lean #Modere #losefat #healthypeople #healthy #mōderetrim #modere #Trimmed #musclewoman #lifestyle #moderetrimresults…
for my…
😍😍🙌🏽💥50 DAY RESULTS😚😚😚😚
and y’all I couldn’t be more hype!! As hard as it is to post these photos because of my own insecurities, it is so necessary that you see where I started just 50 short days ago.
Busy WIFE, Busy MOM of 3, Online business owner, HOUSEkeeper, yard tenderer, errand RUNNER, dinner preparer, HOUSEhold shopper, Kids sport TAXI, the list goes on and on and on and on some more……
It really doesn’t matter how many titles you hold, what responsibilities you have, or what little time we have allotted in one day. You either make EXCUSES or you set SMART goals to make it HAPPEN!
What are SMART goals you ask?? Oh that’s actually an acronym for setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-framed goals!
My SMART goals are walking 3x’s a week (at the same time so I’m consistent), drinking more water, cutting down on soda, and watching my carb (rice & pasta) intake. Now don’t get me wrong….I had plenty days in there where I had more than a few cheat meals, didn’t walk at all, and threw down a few sodas. None of us are perfect and we all fall short at times. But the one thing that I stayed consistent with was taking my Lean Body System supplements.
And lemme tell ya….it’s not hard to remember to take one tablespoon a day of that chocolatey pudding🍫goodness (Trim) y’all see me taking in my stories! In combination with the Burn vitamins (calorie burner/appetite curber) and Activate (gentle gut cleanse) I feel so much more supported on my healthcare journey💚
And I can’t wait to take MY PEOPLE, who are ready to start their healthier lifestyle journeys, along for the ride with me to looking better on the outside and feeling better on the inside🙏🏽
🙌🏽💥💥💥50 DAY RESULTS💥💥💥🙌🏽
The time has come for my…
🙌🏽💥💥💥50 DAY RESULTS💥💥💥🙌🏽
and y’all I couldn’t be more hype!! As hard as it is to post these photos because of my own insecurities, it is so necessary that you see where I started just 50 short days ago.
Busy WIFE, Busy MOM of 3, Online business owner, HOUSEkeeper, yard tenderer, errand RUNNER, dinner preparer, HOUSEhold shopper, Kids sport TAXI, the list goes on and on and on and on some more……
It really doesn’t matter how many titles you hold, what responsibilities you have, or what little time we have allotted in one day. You either make EXCUSES or you set SMART goals to make it HAPPEN!
What are SMART goals you ask?? Oh that’s actually an acronym for setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-framed goals!
My SMART goals are walking 3x’s a week (at the same time so I’m consistent), drinking more water, cutting down on soda, and watching my carb (rice & pasta) intake. Now don’t get me wrong….I had plenty days in there where I had more than a few cheat meals, didn’t walk at all, and threw down a few sodas. None of us are perfect and we all fall short at times. But the one thing that I stayed consistent with was taking my Lean Body System supplements.
And lemme tell ya….it’s not hard to remember to take one tablespoon a day of that chocolatey pudding🍫goodness (Trim) y’all see me taking in my stories! In combination with the Burn vitamins (calorie burner/appetite curber) and Activate (gentle gut cleanse) I feel so much more supported on my healthcare journey💚
And I can’t wait to take MY PEOPLE, who are ready to start their healthier lifestyle journeys, along for the ride with me to looking better on the outside and feeling better on the inside🙏🏽
#leanbodysystem #loseinches #loseweight #muscle #trimmedback #leanbodysystem🔥 #moderelax #musclemotivation #losefatnotmuscle #healthylifestyletips #trimmedup #moderetrim #loseweighttips #mōdere #CLA #musclefitness #trimmedwaist #musclememory #loseweightfromhome #lean #Modere #losefat #healthypeople #healthy #mōderetrim #modere #Trimmed #musclewoman #lifestyle #moderetrimresults
and y’all I couldn’t be more hype!! As hard as it is to post these photos because of my own insecurities, it is so necessary that you see where I started just 50 short days ago.
Busy WIFE, Busy MOM of 3, Online business owner, HOUSEkeeper, yard tenderer, errand RUNNER, dinner preparer, HOUSEhold shopper, Kids sport TAXI, the list goes on and on and on and on some more……
It really doesn’t matter how many titles you hold, what responsibilities you have, or what little time we have allotted in one day. You either make EXCUSES or you set SMART goals to make it HAPPEN!
What are SMART goals you ask?? Oh that’s actually an acronym for setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-framed goals!
My SMART goals are walking 3x’s a week (at the same time so I’m consistent), drinking more water, cutting down on soda, and watching my carb (rice & pasta) intake. Now don’t get me wrong….I had plenty days in there where I had more than a few cheat meals, didn’t walk at all, and threw down a few sodas. None of us are perfect and we all fall short at times. But the one thing that I stayed consistent with was taking my Lean Body System supplements.
And lemme tell ya….it’s not hard to remember to take one tablespoon a day of that chocolatey pudding🍫goodness (Trim) y’all see me taking in my stories! In combination with the Burn vitamins (calorie burner/appetite curber) and Activate (gentle gut cleanse) I feel so much more supported on my healthcare journey💚
And I can’t wait to take MY PEOPLE, who are ready to start their healthier lifestyle journeys, along for the ride with me to looking better on the outside and feeling better on the inside🙏🏽
#leanbodysystem #loseinches #loseweight #muscle #trimmedback #leanbodysystem🔥 #moderelax #musclemotivation #losefatnotmuscle #healthylifestyletips #trimmedup #moderetrim #loseweighttips #mōdere #CLA #musclefitness #trimmedwaist #musclememory #loseweightfromhome #lean #Modere #losefat #healthypeople #healthy #mōderetrim #modere #Trimmed #musclewoman #lifestyle #moderetrimresults